Friday, November 5, 2010


The last weekend in October I was lucky enough to go to Journalfest in Port Townsend, Washington. It is a yearly event hosted by the fabulous Moore family ( and held at Fort Warden State Park. The park has a beautiful setting right on the beach! I wasn't feeling well so I didn't attend any of the nightly social events. Instead, I went to bed early so I could last through each day and, my oh my, was it totally worth it! These pictures are from the the first day. I took a class from Orly Avineri titled, "Passport to Journal." Everyone was asked to bring a passport. It was interesting to see all the passports that everyone brought to transform into a journal. There were many from different countries and they came in all sizes and colors. I'm still not use to working backward on this blog so you will see the second day's class above this one.  

My journal included lots of pockets to hide personal things.

This journal was dedicated to a grandmother.

Another view of the journal I made

My journal standing up.

Orly with a classmate.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your journal!!!! Looks like you had a great time.
